Our mission is to promote the ideals and principles of the Democratic party • To encourage and maintain participation of enrolled voters in the County • To promote leadership and coordinate with municipal committees • To elect Democrats
We are about people. All people, young and old, those who need a hand and those who have the means to lend a hand. Deep rooted or new transplants who, everyday make Sagadahoc our home. We are about electing effective leaders to drive the common good. We believe we can effect change by working together for a common purpose.
We are employers and employees; fishermen, farmers, creators, teachers and laborers. And though we come from diverse backgrounds, we have a set of shared values with our sights set on engineering tomorrow and responsibly harvesting its promises.
We believe that a strong Sagadahoc County can be a catalyst for the development of a strong infrastructure to deliver services to urban and rural communities and generate economic opportunities for everyone.
We stand as a community knowing that we are part of something larger than ourselves, and by taking action together, as Sagadahoc Mainers, we can create and preserve a thriving community to live, work and play for today and tomorrow.
We are the Sagadahoc Democrats and there is a place for you at our table.